Avengers the End Game - Hope is the keyword

I love watching movies...  So in the "Do not miss" list was the Avengers. Of course the channel - Star Movies has hooked us up to Avengers Infinity War, and therefore the End Game was to be watched next. I did watch it yesterday and felt a little disappointed by the story line and end. But it did still manage to offer some interesting lessons. Most important lesson is 'never lose hope'. The surest way to succeed is just to try one more time.

So these Avengers guys, rightly said as they are avengers they need to work after the damage is done. So these guys quickly with no effort figure out a Time Machine ( sorry for spoiler those who did not watch it ) and try to change the future. In my view the complete plot & screenplay was not so interesting but yeah the Hope part definitely correct. You need to have a plan, which will somehow get screwed up in the way of execution, but you need to improvise and figure out you way through the tough times.

Hope keeps you going through the tough times, it is like a shifting goalpost but something you can always look forward to.

So keep hoping for the best that these COVID-19 feared days, lockdowns and sad days will be over, Someday the things will be back to normal again. We just need to keep our hopes going. Stay fit , happy and hopeful. The day might be near or far, but our hope must stay high all times. Hope for the best for you, me and everyone in this lovely world.

My best wishes for you and keep in touch.
