Luv Kush verses the Mahayodhas in Ramayan

As everyone is hooked to Ramayan in this lockdown, so am I and as every parent does I keep giving GYAAN to my young kids while watching the serial. But with Uttar Ramayan, things are a bit different. The kids are the teachers here. As I watch the scene where Luv and Kush have captured the Ashwamedha horse ( horse of the Yagya) and face the various Mahayodhas ( great warriors ) of Ram's sena, a lot of thoughts came to my mind. They simply accepted the challenge presented by a mighty king. It was confidence or over-confidence, but they were simply acting according to their wits. Just doing ! 

It seems kids in general are less complicated, as opposed to what we are fed by educationalist now days that they are very complex and need lot of support system, etc. Elders tend to get tensed and agitated more easily and faster in a tough situation as compared to a child. Still we feel like teaching them to live like elders all the time. Their decision making is simpler and may be elders should learn from them. Also because of their wittiness they can enjoy in any situation. Keep their spirits lifted and know the right thing to do. 

Also their curious minds, questions are very important for them. For that often elders shun kids questions because they know that questions raised are on their wrong doing. 

Lovingly the Uttar Ramayan episode aired on 30 April 2020 taught me some very sweet lessons and I view my own kids in a new light. 

Lessons Learnt ::

Let us allow the kids to be kids and not feed them to become the kind of adults we have always known. They can be someone new who has the ability to think beyond and go past our limitations. 

They will shine in their own light and there are million of stars in this universe, no one overshadows the other. 
